Reasons Why Understanding of Environmental Pollution is Important in Nursing Science
今井 奈妙, 稲津 教久 -
Effects of nurse-led education of cancer pain management and implications for nursing practice: A Meta-analysis
玉木 朋子, 竹内 佐智恵, 犬丸 杏里, 辻川 真弓, 大野 ゆう子 -
Sleep Rhythm Status and Difficulties in Child-Rearing among Fathers of Four-Months-Old Infants from the Perspective of Participation and Fatigue
出石 万希子, 新小田 春美, 武士 葉子, 大林 陽子 -
Analysis the time of event and contents of nurse’s turnover intent
門脇 文子 -
Examination by recommended standards for sound and optical environment in neonatal intensive care unit.
小西 澄代, 新小田 春美, 内山 貴文, 松本 あさみ, 中谷 三佳, 大林 陽子, 國分 真佐代 -
Current status and issues related to the causes of hypertension and cardiovascular disease among disaster victims in emergency shelter
納谷 和誠, 関口 公平, 水谷 真由美 -
Comparing the similarities and differences between Japan and overseas factors that lead to self-management in adults with type 2 diabetes from literature reviews
古川 佳子, 北得 美佐子, 竹内 佐智恵, 畑下 博世 -
海外研修学生の受け入れと派遣に関する看護学科国際交流委員会の活動― 2018年度後期と2019年度前期の記録
Activities of the International Exchange Committee on accepting short-term international students and sending our students to the partnership universities- Records in late 2018 and early 2019
成田 有吾, 竹内 佐智恵, 船尾 浩貴, 武田 佳子, 宮田 千春, 大北 真弓, 水谷 真由美, 小瀬古 隆, 廣畑 靜